When using OptiFine, some mobs will change their texture when named using a name tag.

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Name Tag Name:
Zombified Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Dungeons>
"Don't let a little zombification stand in the way of friendship! Give this plucky piglet a chance (just ignore the smell)."

Name Tag Name:
Muddy Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Earth>
"The Muddy Pig is a mud bath connoisseur. You wouldn't know it at first glance, but they have a great sense of style, too."
Name Tag Name:
Pale Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Earth>
"What this little piggy lacks in pigment, it more than makes up for in cuteness."
Name Tag Name:
Piebald Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Earth>
"A unique coloration for the discerning pig collectors."
Name Tag Name:
Pink Footed Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Earth>
"Pigs are varied and unique. This one has pink feet."

Name Tag Name:
Spotted Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Earth>
"This spotty pig is as sweet as it can be, it loves to live with its piggy friends, hunting the Grassy Plains for sweet treats to eat."
Name Tag Name:
Dried Muddy Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Earth>
"The Muddy Pig is a mud bath connoisseur. You wouldn't know it at first glance, but they have a great sense of style, too."
Name Tag Name:
Mottled Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Earth>
"A pig with stripes. Who knew they had such a sense of style?"
Name Tag Name:
Sooty Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Earth>
"Sooty pigs like to live dangerously by running close to exploding TNT. No, they don't. Just kidding."
Name Tag Name:
Dungeons Spotted Pig
(Pig Rename)
<From Minecraft Dungeons>
"Just when you thought the pig couldn't get any cuter, in struts the spotted pig."